Friday, January 21, 2011

Brain Farts

Okay- So I am making a listing of some blog "topics"...maybe down the road when I ever get any readers, I will be able to have help on other topics.  But, for now, I will start here and try to make this blog worth reading..

To start I am going to give some props to a few sites and people that I have been utilizing over the last few months. go there, check it out.  If you are anything like me, you NEED help figuring out where all your money has gone.  I will dive more into this at a later date.  This is just a starter list.

Credit Karma - it is NOT a scam...and quite informative.

Iwillteachyoutoberich.comNOTE:  it does not say I will "make" you rich...this is Ramit - he is a genius..and once again, if you are anything like me and don't have a god forsaken plan for the future and your MUST look at this.. if anything it will at least make you think a little bit. Again, on the list for future postings.

I have this book has helped me change my life with money and budgeting....NOTE:  it HELPED me change not change it for me...lots of people don't get that.

Hm, let's see...what else.

I do want to write about my mother and tell that story. She is magical - and if I can be half of the woman she is, I will be doing good.  This will probably lead into another blog of some sort regarding my is why I think I am the way I am...and that in no way is average...

Crafting and DIY projects - wet felting, the seed-bomb idea I have....gardening, composting...being kind of like a hippie but with out the patcholi smell.
Food projects...yes for me they are projects and NO I am not a vegetarian.

Estate sales- I looooove these.  I will be going to one tomorrow and will try and get some snap shots of this I have a lovely lady named Tracy coming along with a kiddo or 2.   (She is family of the basically she is my family.)

So there is a start.  Call this a brain fart.

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