Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Who, me?

Well here goes a second entry for this blog.  I figured I would dive right into some tidbits about me....shit, if people are going to read this, I guess I should share a little.  Excuse the rants...I tend to go in many directions. At least it will be entertaining.

Basically I am a 30 something, with no distinct talents...people tell me I can sing, but I think it is over-rated. I don't make money from it and I do not do it every weekend....and those people are all usually have in the bag when they hear me sing in the first place.   Really, I am not sure that I have any talents.  Friends of mine...artists, musicians, people that use big words, engineers, book club attendees, yoga gurus..etc, have this in their life.  I would say I am fairly average, but I am not sure that not having a talent is very average.  I am going to have to look into that one.
I have been told by people in my life, the transformational moments in their lives that made them passionate about their hobbies,, ya know, the "I know what I wanna be when I grow up" thing?  It's kind of irritating, but since I love these people, I let it slide. 
Take my boyfriend, Jeremy...he told me that when he was very young, he was taken to the ice capades.  His seat was right near the drummer/percussionist that made all of the noises, in unison with the skaters tripping, falling...ya know, he hit the cowbell when two skaters ran into each other and what not.  From that moment, Jeremy knew he wanted to be that guy...maybe not for the ice capades but a drummer...a musician.  And he is.  I find that story to be so sweet and at the same time saying to myself...the fucking ice capades? Really? That young, he knew what he wanted to be and then 30 some-odd years later he IS it?  Where are my ice capades? Where is my moment of awe and excitement to know that "I wanna do that!"

Well needless to say I am still looking for that moment.  I have bursts of those moments now as a 30-something...but you should see this list of things I wanna d, create and be.  It's long.  I am sure I will make a blog about that one...

So I am not completely full of hatred for those that have their dreams going for them...I did have lovely experiences in my childhood.  I went to Interlochen, which is a Performing Arts school in Michigan.  Beautiful place, great experience...if I could remember it all..that is a whole other topic for a blog. (If I don't forget)  Went on a many trips to the east coast, Sweden, Florida...Disney of is not like I did not have great adventures and opportunities in childhood.  I just do not recall ever having that moment that Jeremy and so many others have explained to me. 

I am figuring my moment will come later in life. I sure hope that it didn't pass by and I missed it.

I also am an odd thinker.  I am not an over analyzer, but sometimes I can not stop thinking about random things..which in turn - turn into other thoughts and the I find myself in a whole subject that has nothing to do with where the thought began.  Anyone else get this?  But that is not where it ends.  I then do as I was taught in math class on how to check your answers, ya know reverse it all to make sure that you have the right answer?  I begin with the end thought and follow it back to see why and where the hell it came from...i.e. Start with thinking about buying a pair of boots, which takes me back to these boots my friend bought that were blue and wanting those, and in turn wearing those boots in the garden and how the garden sucked this year, so what is this years garden going to be, and all those bulbs I planted in the fall - hopefully those come up- they were purple ball flowers, alliums..those were my friends Jen's favorite flower and we had them at her wedding shower and I hated planning that on and so on.. see?  Then once I am at the end, I stop stupefied on where the hell I came up with thinking about meatloaf for dinner.
Then find out.  This can not be normal! But, it's something that is me.

Another tid-bit about me, is I give really good advice.  I mean sometimes I think that I should have been a counselor of some sort.  But I have found that I am so very much empathic to people, that I believe they are drawn to me....they sense that I will listen.  Sometimes, I hate fucking listening.  My motto is usually..."Get over yourself"- people don't like that.  But when I speak it to them, they get it.  I am not stating that I am some "Dr Phil" type person.  I can't fix shit for people..but in a lot of cases I can settle them down and map out a logically way to view things.  I think I get this from my mother. 

Okay, so there is a start.  A few things about me...and I am sure there will be a many more to come.  These were just the few that showed up now. 

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