Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dum, Dum, da, Dum...

So the gap in time has been due to a gal pal asking for me to help with a wedding.  I am apparently the go to gal for this.  Last October I also assisted in prepping a wedding for a friend.  For the October one, I was the maid of honor, so per that bride's  wedding planning book of tasks, I was to do a crap load of stuff. These books are insane.  First off, they weigh more than a 6 month old baby and bride's haul this book everywhere.   Now I love being organized, but for pete's sake...A binder of shit is not needed.  Well at least for me, I think.  The October event turned out great, other than the bridzilla moments that occurred.  I am still in a recovery mode from this, but on a path to getting back to my normal self.  
With this said, a new gal pal is planning to get married in September of this year.  She was engaged in November and has now since realized that she probably should be planning.  Everyone is asking and she is freaking out a little.  She is planning the DIY wedding...it should be interesting.

Now I do have to take a moment to explain my friend.  Picture Lucille Ball, but with super curly hair and talks a million miles a minute.  Other friends that I introduce her to, sit wide eyed at the speed that topics fly out of her mouth.  It truly is amazing and I am proud to say I understand her.  Well, most of the time.  Her and I are very similar...not in the hair color or speed of talking...but in style.  We like loud, bold colors and a lot of them same vintaged styles...its great when we go to estate sales together.  We usually gravitate toward the same items and get a little perturbed when the other buys it. So yeah, we like the same stuff.

While helping her, I have came across quite a few ideas that I liked.  These have now made it into a folder named "My wedding ideas".  Yes, for my wedding that is currently non-existent.  Is pre-planning weird? And I stealing these ideas that I know she would possibly like?  I have never really fantasized about a wedding...but now I am finding all of these ideas and saving them. 

I AM, however getting some wicked ideas for her wedding.  So I am using that as justification on finding stuff I like.  Right?  Right.

I will share some of these neato ideas that I have found her.  I am looking forward to seeing how this all turns out...with such limited time.  I do know that it will be fun.  We will see if my magic skills work to helping her get this all together.  If anything it will be interesting.  At least I will be there to translate when she starts talking with panic.  I bet you wouldn't find that in those wedding planning books.

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