Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh yeah, this thing.

Once again I see myself neglecting this blog.  I actually realized, while trying to log into my blog, that I have a whole other blog that was started ions ago.  Nice huh?  I can not even remember that I had an earlier blog, that seems to have had a slow death and is now buried with the millions of other dead blogs.....
Well, I will stick with this one. First for the fact that I like this blogs name and second, the photo depicts me in such a way that I would hate to see it sink into the black hole and fade.

I was sparked to blog, due to my friends blog that she posted onto facebook.  It made me realize that I had forgotten about this little "time out" that I create for myself ....  and miss her.  So Annie Bananni -I miss the shit outta you and thanks..you made me take a moment from staring in the mirror examining my wrinkles and use this "time out".  Your the best.

Lately has been interesting.  I am still trying to assist in the wedding plan for crazy Lucy, however she is back and forth with what her plans will be.  It always comes down to money or lack there of.  The ideas are still flowing, but it seems that these ideas are finding there way into my "wedding ideas" folder.  I am thinking that there are way too many ideas in this folder now.
This has now kick started my wedding.  Yes, I typed it.  My wedding.  So J and I are over this "surprise" kinda thingy that weddings seem to be. (at least to me)  We are talking about it all now...however I am still sticking with the plan of a proposal.  I want that at least....well I want my granmaws ring.  So J will have to go pry that from my mother's fingers.  The thought of that just makes it worth it.

I have started medication a few months ago, which has assisted in the quitting of smoking (thank you, *bow* thank you) as well as has worked with the mild depression that I have had for a many years.  It has cleared the cobwebs in a way.  It has been nice.  J has also been receiving some help of sorts.  I find it very interesting how just a step in a positive direction to live a more fulfilled life can profoundly effect what your thoughts for the future are.  It is something that has been current for us, and enjoyable.  It has opened doors of communication that were either not there, or muted due to some issue that was never talked out.    This is probably why we are talking about the future more. It actually seems real.

So there is that. It's nice.  Today however, is not a happy happy day...I am entirely irritated.   I am hating work right now...and I work for family, so....put that together.  Maybe I need to take a double dose of these "happy" non-smoker pills.  No, I joke.  But sometimes I wish that there was at least a few thousand dollars in a bag that I find, and I could go on a trip...yes, that would be perfect.

Well, my head hurts.  I will again blog and upbruptly end the blog, because I get bored or that vein in my head that can only handle so much computer light before it explodes, explodes.  I am off.

Randa out.

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