Wednesday, December 21, 2011

So as Christmas nears...the shopping is now really, really needing to be done.  I have a couple items for the momma-lou, nothing for the feller, and pops...well he is always the hardest, seeing that the last thign he told me he wanted was a million dollars.  So I will be checking the lotto tickets I purchased earlier this week.  Maybe his dream gift will come true. 

Can you imagine winning the lottery?  I always wonder what would I do with any winnings.  Pay off the crappy cars and just buy new ones.  Get the debt taken care of, even though I have been plugging away at it?  A dream vacation?  Peru would be a must. Total must...but even with out the lotto winnings I think I am doing that any way.

I sure do hope that I can get some presents before the eve dinner that I have with the 'rents.  It is a tradition that I have had with them for a long while.  It is nice to spend that time, and relax a little , since we all seem to get our panties in a bunch about who to get what for, and money. 

I think that I am over this holiday thing.  Come on 2012...we are ready for you... and maybe a few bucks from the lotto tickets wouldn't hurt. 

Have a safe and happy holiday to those that even see this... can't wait to hear what everyone got.

Enjoy the true meaning of Christmas...santa's birthday.

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