Thursday, December 15, 2011


Hi all- or lack there of.  I think there are a couple peeps that have clicked the button to follow me on this not so frequesntly updated blog, BUT- I will be striving to keep up with it.  (This seems to be a frequent statement)  But now I have an app to remind me to blog.  Well, no I don't but I am making a to-do list for each day and I will be putting the blog on there. 

I am finding that more and more time is getting sucked away from me.  I do not seem to do the things that I enjoy, because of the basic excuses of ... "I am too tired", "I don't have time" or my favorite..."No one cares anyway" - Well I care and I think that it may just be theraputic.  So off again I am to commit to this blog.  Shit, if I can't do this, than for the most part everything else is fucked.

So lately I am learning more an more about these sites that let you hoard all this pictures and things that you like on the internet.  Now, a while back I came across the Stumbleupon world and just loved it.  I found that after finding everything under the sun that I wanted to craft, dress like, cook and paint... there was no place for me to put these finds.  I have again, found the world of Pinterest...neato.  Now I can take all of these finds that I have shared to a zip drive and a desktop folder and share...much easier, and organized.  And it will be freeing up about 3 zip drives that really need to have work crap on them, not pictures of cats and wedding dresses. 

So on that note, I have added the button to the blog and maybe, just maybe you will come across this little page and wanna see what I like.  Or not, either way - it's there. 

I will be back soon with additional info on the exciting life of, well....a thirty something chick in Detroit.  God, I need to really get moving on this exciting life thing.

Light and love peeps.

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